Monday, Feb. 25, 2002 - 3:13 a.m.


Sun, Feb. 17, '02, 11:11 pm

Showcase just saved my evening.

I don't know what the fuck to do with myself at night with no computer. Do I go out with the friends I don't have? Do I sit and stare at the wall? Do I read books I've already read? Listen to CDs I've overplayed? Take a trip to the 24-hour grocery store and browse just for something to do?


But tonight ... tonight Welcome to the Dollhouse is on TV. Yay! Bitterly colourful satire with no moral! My favourite! Thank you, Showcase.

It's starting now ... I'll be back later.

12:01 am

This movie reminds me of middle school. In a horribly exaggerated sort of way. Therefore I should probably hate it. But I don't. Must be an at-least-I'm-not-there-anymore kind of satisfaction I get from watching it.

But I've seen it twice already. I'm bored.

I've barely watched any TV at all in the last month or so. Now it just depresses me.

Damn box.

The worst part of TV are those horribly depressing ads, the "Get your college diploma!" ads ... and those ads with the bigass lists ... start a career in nursing, childcare, accounting, dentistry ... remember when Sally Struthers used to do those ads? Ugh. I'm depressed just writing about them. And those DeVry ads rival them in depressingness. The only ads that top them are the life insurance ads ... and the "Did you know that married or single, widowed or divorced, everybody needs a legal will?" ads. Oh wait, I forgot about those spice-up-your-sex-life video ads. Oh, and then there are those Depends ads ... AUGH! It never ends! TV is just horrible. Revoltingly horrible. Unless there's someone else there, so you can laugh and mock the horribleness of it all. That's not nearly as much fun by oneself.

This is really depressing me. I'm going to stop writing about this now.

I'm also going to turn off the TV.









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Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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