Sunday, Nov. 07, 2004 - 8:23 p.m.
I literally sat here trying to think of a title for ten minutes. I've got nothing.

Why do I keep not writing in here? Oh right, because I've suddenly become so damn popular that every time I try to do an entry, seven billion, nine hundred and eighty-six million, three hundred and forty-two thousand, one hundred and fifty-nine people start talking to me on MSN. Don't ask me how the hell it happened. Something to do with being female on a site like OkCupid. Women on those sites get messages in droves, guys get next to none. I've acquired more MSN contacts than I know what to do with.

I'm feeling exhausted all of a sudden. This past week's insomnia has finally caught up with me. I keep getting stuck awake and unable to sleep into the wee hours of the morning, and then for some reason waking up an hour before my alarm, full of piss and vinegar. I'd like to just go to sleep right now, but then I'll really screw my sleep pattern up. So I'm going to have to wait until nine or ten. Bleh. Of course, by that time I'll bet I'll be all peppy again. Damn body.

I had two online meetings this weekend. Or rather, two online people whom I met in person this weekend. Both meetings went well. It's good to get out and actually socialize. I've started to worry about my interactions with people lately, wondering if I put people off with my still-getting-to-know-you awkwardness. Last week Dan was telling me that while I seem outgoing online (or at least, in this diary), that talking to me in person is a little like talking to a wall. Of course, he said it in a very kind sort of way, but it did get me a bit concerned about myself. People have remarked on my shyness before, but never in quite those words.

Oh, and speaking of Dan, he decided to take me up on that offer I mentioned, so he's going to help me with my diary layout. Yeah that's right. The rest of you missed your chance for sexual favours. And I'm a bit insulted at the extremely low volume of offers I got, incidentally.

Anyway, instead of sexual favours, I actually helped Dan get all gothed up for a Halloween fetish masquerade, since he found out that I was a goth type once upon a time (in high school, eons ago), and he needed help. So that was fun. Next time I help someone go goth, I'll make sure I'm better prepared, though. No last minute makeup shopping. Man, the sorry excuses for eyeliner you can find at Shopper's Drug Mart these days is alarming. We might as well have used black crayon. Eeesh.

My weight loss is continuing, and the current RipeCam entry proves it. I am so totally ready for amateur porn.

I got a new mic recently because Nox escaped one day and chewed up the wire on my old one. So I've been amusing myself trying to impersonate Holly Cole and, you know, other people who can actually sing, and making little wav files. Maybe if I'm really in the mood to humiliate myself one of these days, I'll post a couple of them. Not today though. Nope. Hmm .. maybe I'll dictate my next diary entry into it and post it as a wav. Just so all you Americans and Brits and Aussies and Kiwis can laugh at my goofy Canuck accent. It'll be super fun times, I tell ya.

See you later. I'm going to croon into the mic some more or something.

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Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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