Friday, Apr. 02, 2004 - 7:23 a.m.

Yesterday was my two year anniversary with James. That's right, we got together on April Fool's Day, 2002. Last night James finally gave the joke up and said "Remember these past two years of me dating you and telling you I love you and all that? April Fool's!". Man, he sure had me going.

Nah, just kidding. But what a prank that would've been, eh?

In other news, Krystle (You remember, Krystle, right? The pregnant one.) is ready to pop any day now. She was actually getting contractions the other day but her water didn't break or anything. But apparently the baby is in position and ready to go, so she's been put on bedrest. So yeah ... looks like the baby will be here pretty damn soon. They're trying to hold it off for a few weeks because she's only about seven and a half months along. Hence the bedrest.

We saw The Supers for their last performance at The Rivoli on Wednesday. I really like them a whole lot. Unfortunately, one of them, Maury, wasn't there for half of the month because he was off with Sarah Harmer. That was kind of disappointing. Not because he's so incredibly good-looking (which, incidentally, he is), but because it's nice to hear two people play together who are comfortable playing and singing together and have done it many times before. Graham is really talented, and he had other very talented people come and play with him for the nights that Maury was gone, but there wasn't that level ease or comfort, you know? Oh well. I still really enjoyed it. At the end of the show, we talked to Graham briefly (also cute, yup, can you tell I'm a little silly over guys who play pretty songs on guitars?) and bought CDs. You should listen to them too. They have a whole lot of really good songs, and they do a twangy cover of Take On Me that I particularly like.

In other news (I just realized that this is the second time I've said "in other news" in this entry, and that's kind of lame.) ... life's been different for some time now. In some ways I'm so happy .. but in other ways ... I don't know. There are things that I really, really miss. I miss life moving less quickly .. no one was having babies, getting those serious jobs that you might end up having all your life, moving out, getting married, and all that. I miss Crystal terribly. I feel stupid for not spending more time with her when I had the opportunity. I miss being able to log into Diaryland and always having something to write .. even when I really didn't have anything "worthwhile" to say. Now I just stare at the screen wishing words would come. I miss having that large network of online friends that I talked to all the time. I miss Chiv being my friend. I miss the Diaryland chat of two years ago, even with all of its silly drama.

I know those weren't always the best of times. There were a lot of things wrong with my life back then. I was depressed. I didn't have much of a social life (at least not in the pre-Crystal/James part of the above). The pain of a nasty breakup was still fresh in my mind. I wrote in here because I had to. I needed an outlet. I needed to feel like I was talking to someone about something. Now I guess I must have that covered, since I don't find myself writing in here much. Until this morning, after James' alarm went off and instead of rolling over and going back to sleep like any normal human being who didn't have to go to work would, I was overwhelmed with the urge to write a diary entry.

There was no real point to this ramble. I guess I just had a few things to get off my chest. That's what this thing was always for, anyway.

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Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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