Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004 - 12:55 a.m.
Olive the Sweet

James and I went to Montreal on the weekend. We stayed in a nice hotel that cost too much money. It was fun.

When we got back to my place Sunday night, James called home to see how Olive was doing, since she'd been sick. She didn't make it through the weekend. She had a tumor in her head that was pushing into her brain, making her weak and frail. This is apparently quite common in rats. Olive had health problems right from the start (seizures, permanent head tilt from an ear infection, and just generally seemed to get sick a lot), so I guess it's good that she's no longer in pain.

So yeah, that's two of my (well, mine before I had to give them away) rats gone now. Minerva's always been a very chipper, robust little rat with no health problems so far, so hopefully she'll be around a while longer. Seamus is getting up there though, and I miss him, the mellow old pudge. Hopefully I can visit him and Boo before his time is up.

My next pet will be a dog. They live a good ten years. Actually, if I really want a pet with longevity, I suppose I could get myself a tortoise .. but they're somewhat lacking in the "cuddly" department.

So yeah .. I'll have more to write tomorrow, maybe .. I feel like watching The Family Guy right now, so I'm not going to bother trying to end this entry properly.

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