Monday, Jul. 14, 2003 - 2:55 p.m.
I must take action.

I was going to leave for work an hour early today, so I could cash my paycheque and buy some new shoes (heavy black velcroey platform boots, incidentally, are not ideal for sticky city heat in July), but something stopped me. I don't know what. I just didn't feel like it. Something about buying things just feels weird all of a sudden. At least, when I have such a shitty, low-paying job, it feels weird. I think I'll keep my money a bit longer.

Yesterday I was asked to sign some form thingy saying that I agreed to cover any cash deficits over $3 on any given day that I worked the register. I signed it before I realized I didn't have to. It's suspicious, really. I could end up losing money from my already chintzy paycheque for someone else's mistake. I think I'll avoid using the register at all from now on, if I can help it. Sometimes we're short by quite a bit. This is the first time I've ever been asked to sign anything like that ... in fact, with another job I had a few years ago, I put extra money into the till because it was short, and got found out, and actually got in quite a bit of shit for it. I don't understand retail companies at all.

Apparently at clothing stores in England, according to Mechy, salespeople do not greet customers or follow them around the store offering to "help" them. Imagine that. I want to move. I'm sick of being gestured at by my "superiors" to go and chat up various customers who almost invariably tell me they're doing just FINE, and would rather look around for themselves. That, and being told to "keep an eye on" any customer who is black and sporting either corn rows, bling, or athletic clothing. That's really beginning to get to me. I can't recall ever being asked to "keep an eye on" a white customer. Of course, they always say it's because the customer's acting "shady", and that it has nothing to do with the colour of their skin, and my manager "grew up in a black neighborhood" .. so "of COURSE" he's not racist. We also have three black employees at the store ... so that makes it OK. Right .. how stupid of me.

Oh ... I am so getting another job.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the job I'm dying to quit, but can't just yet.


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