Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 - 2:07 p.m.
Another Day Off

I got a call from work this morning. I didn't pick up, of course, because I saw the number on the display thingy and thought they might want me to come in early, and I didn't want to go to work today as it was. Anyway, I got a message from them telling me not to come in for work today, and that my next shift is on Sunday. Wheee! I love that I'm the first person they'll ask not to come in when they're overstaffed, since I'm no longer stock girl, and as a salesperson, frankly, I suck. I think I may have said in a previous entry that I was an OK salesperson, but I realize now that I'm not. I mean, from the customer's point of view, I'm a good salesperson. I'm honest, I'm helpful, I know when they want to be left alone to shop, and I won't push them to buy anything. From the company's point of view, I suck, because what they want is for customers to leave the store with tonnes of unnecessary purchases. It means more money for them, of course.

Anyway, all of this could mean that I might be given the axe sometime in the near future. Of course, I hate working there anyway, so whatever. I do need to get a new job though, and fast. I've already started looking, I just need to start applying.

I had a dream last night that my mom was pregnant, and it wasn't an accident, either (despite the fact that in real life my mom's nearly fifty and had her tubes tied a mere couple of years after giving birth to me ... heh), and at first the baby was her boyfriend's, but then later in the dream that changed for some reason, and the baby was my dad's, and they'd never separated. You know how facts can change that way in dreams, right? So anyway, somehow I caused my mom to have a miscarriage .. I can't remember exactly what I did, I think I just threw a snowball at her, because it was winter in my dream. So that snowball caused her to miscarry, and she was terribly upset, and I felt awful.

How odd.

I hate people who owe you money, but won't just pay you back on their own. Instead you have to keep nagging and reminding them, and they always have some excuse. I'm never lending money ever again. Except to people I know reeeeeeeeeeeeeally well. Including where they live. And I'll make them sign something first.

I need lunch now. Bye.

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Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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