Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003 - 11:00 a.m.
Back, with an impressive sunburn.

I'm back.

I had a lot of fun on the weekend, yes indeed. There was beach sitting, waving at boats, screaming and cursing when boaters in said boats did not wave back, drunken karaoke (which I did not participate in, although I did attempt to sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun before realizing that my voice simply doesn't go that high), picture taking of naked girls, and some really good ice cream.

I came back yesterday, but stayed away from the internet for fear of ... I don't know. Something bad. But there was nothing. Literally nothing. Not even one lousy fucking ... er, nevermind. I'll just save this for some other diary where I won't have to beat around the bush. Or maybe I'll just try to forget about it entirely. It doesn't matter if someone used to be a wonderful person. If they're being an ass now, then they're an ass. Case closed. I won't sit around waiting for an ass.

I'm just going to keep telling myself that until it's the truth.

Anyway, after four days with just the girls, I saw my James, who, incidentally, really needs to update his diary, don't you think? I went to his house on the Sunday we returned, and went back home yesterday, just in time to go to work. *sigh*

I can look for a new job this week, can't I? I just wish it weren't so bloody difficult to find decent work. I don't ever want to deal with retail again.

I decided that something was missing in my life, and that it could be intellectual stimulation, seeing as I'm not in school now, and retail can literally make a person dumber, I'm convinced of it. So I started reading The Brothers Karamazov, since my dad gave it to me a while back. I haven't read any Dostoyevsky before. Maybe I'll just start reading all of the obligatory authors just so that I can work my way from groundling to pseudo-intellectual. Most people are too dumb to tell the difference between an intellectual and a pseudo-intellectual anyway. I think it could work.

Yes, that's right, my reasons for reading any sort of so-called important literature are purely superficial.

I'm going to have breakfast now. Bye.

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Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
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Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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