Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003 - 12:17 a.m.
Work, schmork.

I have terrible house/trance songs stuck in my head from work. Our store has this big speaker we put outside the door so that we can accost innocent passers by with awful but catchy music. Apparently they think it attracts customers, and don't care how loud we have to shout "CAN I HELP YOU FIND A SIZE?!" to customers in order to be heard. Customers have actually told us that the music drives them away, but apparently that means nothing.

On Friday I told my manager I wanted to go back to working part-time. After this week is over, I'll be getting around 15 hours a week. Now I have time to look for another job. Physically, mentally, emotionally ... I just can't deal with this one. I used to think I was into fashion ... but I'm not. I like clothes, but my taste is very basic. I like hoodies, jeans, and boots. I like guy's style clothing cut for a girl. I like skirts too, but long ones, with pockets, worn with boots or sneakers. I hate frills and poofiness and eyelets and floral patterns and sheer material. That's what our store sells. Not only that, but there's just way too much nylon and polyester to handle.

There are many more reasons why I don't want to work there anymore. My manager irritates me. All day I just want to scream to him: "Look, quit calling me feisty just because I happen to look at you the wrong way, quit patronizing me when you have a problem with what I'm doing and just tell me nicely, don't fucking knock on the bathroom door frantically while I'm taking a piss because you're just dying to wash your hands, don't look at me and then look at your watch every time I return from a break when I'm not even late, don't refer to an obviously gay customer as a "Mary" when you yourself make Richard Simmons look butch, and did I mention STOP TELLING ME I'M FEISTY???". Yes, I'm being hard on him, but, well ... I just really don't like him. I wanted to like him, and I really did try to. But he just grates on my nerves so very much. I don't even think he's a bad person. He's just bad for me.

I don't even know what sort of new job I'm going to find. I'm hoping for maybe a data entry job, or something else I can do sitting down. And hopefully something that pays more than what I'm making now.

Then again, everything does.

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