Sunday, Jun. 30, 2002 - 1:49 p.m.
You like me! You really like me!

James stayed over last night. He's in my room, still sleeping, because we went to bed at 5 am and I decided to be insane and get up early.

So this is my third night spent with James. He slept over here Thursday night, I slept at his place Friday night after we came home from a birthday party for one of the girls he works with (oh, more on that later), Then he went to work yesterday and I went home, and then he came over at night and stayed here. Tonight we're having dinner with my dad and Dawn, and we'll be spending the night together again, either at their place, or back here in the apartment.

This is the most time we've ever spent together, and I'm really really liking it.

We're like .. really .. we just .. we just work. I mean .. um .. we're good together. We fit. No, I didn't mean it that way. Wash your filthy mind out with soap if that's what you were thinking.

So anyway, there was a party on Friday. Several of James' friends were already quite drunk when we got there. Todd, whom I will probably forever think of as brown velour jumpsuit boy, kissed my hand upon seeing me. He'd been swimming in the pool and was wearing a glove with the fingers cut out. It was one of those standard thin cheap-ass gloves that I think of as hand socks, but he'd cut it up himself so it was like this makeshift Michael Jackson mono-glove. It was wet. He'd worn it swimming. He refused to take it off. That's the kind of guy Todd is. Todd is also the guy who dubbed me "L", incidentally, and that is how I am known to pretty much everyone I know in Mississauga now. When I hang out with those people, Todd will periodically make eye contact with me, raise his eyebrows or wink, and make an L shape with his hand. No, not on his forehead in the "loser" way. Just an L. I'm never entirely sure how to respond.

That night while James was in the pool, his friends Mike and Kris started chatting with me. They were both drunk, but Kris was particularly hammered. He kept telling me I rocked, and every time I answered someone's question, or used a big word, he'd say "Dude, she's so fuckin' smart!". He wasn't being sarcastic (I don't think), so it was OK. Funny as hell, too. I love drunk people. At one point he said to me "L, man, you're awesome. James has been so happy since he met you.", and I was all like, "Aww, pff, c'mon." and then Mike said "Yeah, it's true, he always says really awesome things about you .. and he's always excited when he gets to see you." ... so then I blushed a whole lot and said "Awww" several times, and gave James a large smile that he probably didn't understand when he came out of the pool. I love that guy.

Anyway, it just occurred to me that it's after 2 pm and I should probably wake him up. So I'll end things here.

Oh yeah, and I made another diary now for being a bit more of a cynical bitch in .. why, I'm not sure, but, well, here it is.

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Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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