Monday, Jun. 03, 2002 - 10:58 p.m.
Tomorrow, my hair will be blue.

I've had a busy weekend.

Most of it was spent with you-know-who. We got pierced together. Incidentally, getting a needle through your nostril really does hurt like a motherfucker. I flinched involuntarily and my eyes watered like mad. I was lying down when I had it done, and James was sitting at the foot of the .. um .. piercing bed (?), and as I winced in pain, I felt James' hand touch my leg supportively. Oh hush, it was my lower leg, perverts. Then it was James' turn, and he got his lip done. I watched the needle go right through his lower lip! Crikey!

Anyway, my piercing really only hurt when it was being done, and was just a bit sore afterward. Now it hurts a little only when I flare my nostrils or move the ring at all. There's redness around the piercing, which I hope will go down soon enough. I sure as hell hope this thing heals OK. I'll take care of it as best I can.

The important thing is, it looks pretty damn cool. And so does James' lip ring. He also dyed his hair black, and he's looking pretty damn good. I just wish his piercing wasn't making eating and drinking and talking painful for him right now. I'm also afraid to kiss him because I think I'll wound him or prevent his piercing from healing. Damn. Oh well. Guess I'll have to go to Crystal for all my mackin' needs for the next few weeks.

Oh, and I made a hair appointment for 11 am tomorrow. I'm getting it cut and dyed blue! Finally! Yes, I'm seriously going to do it! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! This is so exciting!!! Take a long, hard look at RipeCam tonight, because it may be the last you see of me with red hair for quite a while.


Stephen's gone back home, which sucks. I really hope he does decide to move to Canada. He's such a rockin' boy.

I have class tomorrow evening, but no essays are due, which means no last minute panicking for me. Whew. I do have to make sure I show up on time, though, because I'll be arriving there with newly blue hair, and if I'm late, EVERYONE will stare at me as I walk into the room. This is one time I simply cannot let my second worst habit (lateness) get the better of me.

I know what you're dying to ask me now, but I'm not going to tell you. Ha.

James and I have spent so much time together recently. I really, really hope he doesn't get sick of me. He's one of the first people I've felt comfortable being with for really long amounts of time. We get along so well. I'm so happy I met him.

I know, I know, gag, retch, right? Bah ... shut up. You're just jealous.

I'll be back tomorrow. Stay tuned for blue hair photos. Wheeeeee!

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