Saturday, Apr. 06, 2002 - 1:25 p.m.
Dad, webcams, procrastination, James, and Dave Foley. Did I miss anything?

Visiting The Dad tonight, probably getting sloshed on wine again. Woo. I don't know if they've got internet access yet or not.

I webcammed live with two hotties last night ... oh yes. Poor Chiv was the only one in chat without a webcam last night (well, in the wee hours of the morning). Normally I don't like being live on camera online, but I've discovered it's not so bad when the people you're talking to actually have webcams too. Fancy that. It's especially nice when they're Ethan Hawke lookalikes with really charming smiles, or hot bass players with sexy eyebrows and lips ... but anyway. Damn ... I thought people who spent a lot of time online were supposed to look like comic book store guy from The Simpsons.

(I still love you.)

OK, back to real life now ...

So I have to get all this crap done before 4 pm when my dad picks me up .. argh .. laundry, shower, room tidying, packing ... argh, and my mom is nagging me to fold laundry as I type this.

I just put things off too damned much.

Sunday I get to see James again, woohoo ... *insert dorky grin here* .. and um .. that's a good thing.

Bah, I need to get going, don't I?

Oh, before I leave though, I must mention that I saw Dave Foley at Chapters last night! No shit! I didn't talk to him or anything, but yeah. He was there. With a woman. Was it his wife? Are they even still married? No one else seemed to notice him. I suppose there's a small chance it wasn't him, but I doubt it. I stood closer to hear him talk, and he had the same voice. Exciting, no? I saw The Kids in the Hall's prettiest female impostor. Woo! Well maybe. I'm pretty sure. I think. Damnit ... I guess it's possible it was some other dude who looked like him. Maybe I should shut up. I should've asked .. but really, he was with someone, it seemed obnoxious.

Ah well.

OK, I have to go. Damnitall.


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Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
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