Friday, Nov. 23, 2001 - 2:47 a.m.
I am weman, hear me roar!

Google referral:

(keywords: Arabic weman)

So far I've gotten hits for Japanese porn, Latina hair dye, and Arabic "weman". I feel so very multicultural all of a sudden. Let's all hold hands and do some hippy-looking unity dance ... can't ya just feeeel the love?

I wish I knew ALL of my friends' IPs so I could figure out if they were reading my diary or not. Some are easy to figure out ... like the university residence host addresses, for example. Lucky for me, most of my friends and contacts are in residence at university somewhere. But sometimes the host is just a number ... and then I have no clue. And I want to know for sure whether a couple of people I talk to are reading my diary or not ... but I don't want to actually ASK them if they read it. Because if they're NOT reading it, my asking would bring it to their attention, and then they WOULD read it. And while I love the idea of them reading my diary quietly, for their own private amusement, without my telling them to, I don't like the idea of them reading it because I made a big point of mentioning it to them. With most of my friends, that's OK, I'm a whore for hits, and they know it. But there's just a couple of them that I don't want to do that to ... and I have my reasons. So yeah. I need some sly way of finding out. Then again, if they are reading it, they're reading THIS, and seeing how very unsubtle I truly am.

Damn. I'll never be the low-key type.


I'm not sure when I get my first paycheck. I should probably ask, huh? Today was my second day of work, and I'm in again tomorrow, for seven hours. Once I get money, my first purchase will be a mic for this computer. I have plans for it ... oh yes indeed. It should be fun. Then maybe I'll get a webcam ... to save having to fix the scanner in order to post some ripe, juicy photos for you all to drool over.

(Or to ridicule. Whatever.)

So yeah. I should go to sleep so that I'm not dead at work tomorrow. The idea of gift-wrapping kitchen utensils whilst sickly and exhausted doesn't particularly appeal to me.


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Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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