Monday, Nov. 12, 2001 - 4:15 a.m.
Too sleepy to think of a catchy title ...

I'm writing an entry after 4 am. That is a sad, sad commentary on my life indeed.

I detest spam in my e-mail. I know everyone hates it ... but my main reason for hating it so much is because well ... OK. See, I have no life. I spend A LOT of time online right now, because I don't have a job, I have no friends nearby, and, well ... I have a lot of readers at Diaryland. Too much free time. I'm a nerd. I know it. So ... I have MSN Messenger, right, because I'm online for hours at a time, and I like getting little pop-up "you have a new message" thingies while I'm doing online stuff. I live for those, because as I stated, I have no life. Now, when you have no life, do you have any idea how disappointing it is to go and check your e-mail, all excited, thinking "Ooh, maybe someone signed my guestbook!" or "Hey, maybe [insert name of random faraway friend here] answered my e-mail!", only to discover that the precious little e-mail you got is merely an ad for herbal Viagra, fake university diplomas, or a free dental plan? Well, I do. And let me tell you, it's quite frustrating.

Tomorrow is another job hunting day ... and I think I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm going to wear this funky purple-ish skirt that I've had for months but haven't worn outside of the apartment yet for some reason. I'm gonna look so very snappy.

You know what? I'm damn sexy. Why doesn't anyone else seem to think so? Oh yeah ... I forgot. It's because I never leave the house and they never see me. Whoops.

Oh ... since I already told some people on Diaryland chat this, I guess I might as well tell you all here. That guy I met that Friday night a couple of weeks ago? The guy I'd been talking to online? It was Affable Alien. How's that for cool? Yeah ... anyway, we're just pals, so don't go getting all murderously jealous of me or anything ... I got to meet him because we both live in Toronto. I don't think I'm really cool enough for him, actually ... I mean, geez, the boy won't even add me to his favourite diaries. But yeah. The reason I didn't say I met him was because I didn't want to start a whole bunch of Diaryland gossip shyte ... you understand. That sort of thing irritates me. Because it's lame. Anyway ... the Alien is a tremendously interesting dude ... and a great conversationalist. I just thought I'd mention it. Because he's cool.

Well ... now I actually have pictures of myself ... and I can't post them because our blasted scanner is broken. *Sigh*. Oh well. Rest assured that Ripe Tomato is not lying when she says that she's adorable, that she's RIPE, that she's got juicy looking curves, that she's short, and that her hair is short, messy, and redder than her name ... courtesy of Fudge hair dye, in the shade pictured below:

(Yes, I know it says "orange crush", but as you can plainly see, it's red.)

That will have to tide you over until I can solve the problem of the busted scanner. I'm sorry. I know you're all dying to check me out in all my hot ripeness, but it simply can't be done right now.

Damn ... it took me way too long to find that Fudge image ... already it's 5 am.

Time to walk up the wooden hills to Bedfordshire.

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Comments are temporarily out of order until I can afford to get a SuperGold membership again. Yes, that is also why all the images are broken. I apologize. In the meantime, please use the guestbook for anything you may wish to say. Thanks.

Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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� Ripe Tomato 2001-2005
Don't steal my shit. I'll send thugs. Oh shut up. I do so have thugs. Quit laughing! Look, just don't steal my stuff, OK?