Monday, Nov. 12, 2001 - 6:04 p.m.
Vagrants have a better shot at a Visa Platinum than me ...

I have come to a disturbing realization.

Drunken bums have more money than I do.

I came to this realization today after walking past a "financially challenged" guy (to borrow M's term) seated in a dingy alcove-ish area by the sidewalk on Queen street. The guy was muttering to himself in a low, gutteral voice and clutching protectively at a bottle of cheap whiskey, half concealed by a brown paper bag.

I can't afford cheap whiskey. I can't even afford BEER right now.

Drunken bums have more money than I do. I no longer feel guilty about not digging around for change when homeless people ask me for money. Not that I would give money to a drunken homeless person ... but whatever. I don't have any "spare change". "Spare" implies that I don't need it. And I do need it. It's all I've got. Maybe I should start panhandling too.


But guess what? I passed out ten whole resumes today! Ten! Not bad, eh? I even scored myself an interview on Thursday. We'll see how that goes.

I believe it's dinner time now ... and my mom wants the computer this evening. So I'll be writing another entry sometime after 10 tonight ... and the topic will be ... my current need for friends who are female. That's right. It's something I'm becoming more and more aware of every day ... and I'll explain why tonight.

Have a good evening.

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Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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