Monday, Nov. 12, 2001 - 10:39 p.m.
I'm the ripest little nerd girl y'ever did see.

Oh baby. After dinner this evening, I discovered a roll of loonies I didn't remember I had in my sock drawer ... so I promptly traded it for $25 in bills with my mom. I'm so poverty stricken, I can't even describe what a joyous event this was.

I immediately pranced off to the Eaton's Centre and purchased those sassy, sexy-nerd-chick blue-framed glasses I told you about somewhere in this entry (hey, I needed something to boost my mood, OK?). I look so fabulously Geek Chic, I don't want to take them off. The blue frames look especially stylin' with my redder-than-red hair. I'm such a colourful little kitten, aren't I? Oh yes. *Purrr*

(That was quite lame, I know. But allow me to have my mock-narcissistic ego ... it's all I've got at the moment.)

I've been watching way too much of some TV channel, but I'm not sure which. The reason I say this is because I have these words stuck in my head:

Bagless cyclonic action.

The words are from a vaccuum cleaner ad, that much I know. (You were thinking vibrator, weren't you, you horny freaks? It would be quite fitting, wouldn't it? Bagless and everything ...) But clearly the company that made this vaccuum is a sponsor of some TV channel that I watch a lot. I must remember to make note next time I see that commercial, so I can stop watching whatever it is I'm watching too much of. Because really ... those are disturbing words to have repeated over and over in one's head.


For some reason, almost all of the friends I've had over the past three years (and there haven't been many) have been guys. I don't know why that is. Not that it's a problem, not at all. I like guys. Hell, you know I like guys. Can you blame me? But the thing is, I need some chicks to hang out with, badly. I can't have "hottie talk" with a guy ... especially not if he's someone I consider to be a hottie. I can't gripe about chick problems (no, I don't mean that-time-of-the-month stuff) to a guy. Most importantly, it's very difficult to avoid that whole chemical attraction thing around guys ... because hey ... I'm a heterosexual chick, you know? The only way I could really avoid the attraction with a guy would be if he were not even remotely good-looking ... and I usually find most of the guys I get along with to be at least remotely good-looking (even if others don't). And as exciting as that chemistry is, it can be very, very distracting at times. Sometimes I miss what a guy says just because my pulse is racing and my heart is beating like mad ... and I can't concentrate on the conversation. That stuff calms down a bit once I'm in a relationship ... but it doesn't look as if that will be happening any time soon. I'm just not that lucky. So in conclusion ... I need girl friends. I really, really do.

Argh. We've got those cleaning ladies coming in again tomorrow. Last time they showed up at 8:30 in the morning. This means I should try and get to sleep earlier (read: before 6 am this time) so that I can get up tomorrow without having one of them barge in on me, all naked and sound asleep in bed (I can't sleep in pajamas ... they make me all fidgety). That would just be awkward for everyone. So if anyone has any tips for inducing sleep, please let me know. Preferably within the next few hours.

So long for now.

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Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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