2001-08-24 - 4:05 p.m.
"I'M SIGNIFICANT!" .... screamed the dust speck.

It's settled. I'm moving to London in a little over a week. Just like that. If I can find work there within the next two months, I'm there to stay.

Just like that.

I won't have a computer for a while, except occasionally when Brendan so charitably lets me use his computer at Western, an offer which I think he's already starting to regret. So aside from checking my e-mail once or twice a week, my online presence will pretty much evaporate for a while. And I have no idea how long it will be before I'm back online. It all depends on whether I end up staying in London, what kind of job I have, and whether or not my parents will chip in for a computer.

This won't be my last entry before I move. But pretty soon this diary will be coming to a halt for an indefinite period of time. And maybe that's for the best, since I'm not having as much fun with this thing as I was when I started. I guess I've had a lot to deal with over the last couple of months, and it's made me less able to make jokes or be entertaining (this diary was at LEAST as much for my own amusement as it was for other people's .. probably even more so since few people that I know of actually read it -- which is OK really). I started Sad Tomato in an effort to channel my anxiety, confusion, and increasingly moody state into some sort of readable product, or project, or something ... but I found my feelings quite difficult to express at times. Painful. Unsettling. Though I admit that when I did each one of those few entries, it made me feel better. But I couldn't seem to do it frequently. I probably should write about those things more often. Maybe I'll start keeping one of those crazy old-fashioned pen & paper type journals ... imagine that!

So yeah. A couple more entries, and then I'm off for a while. This entry was just to let you all know.

I'll miss this place, believe it or not. Despite my laziness with the entries and the maintaining contact with those who read my diary, people's interest in my thoughts or even just people's bemusedness at my quasi-schizophrenic prose -- or WHATEVER it is that makes people read this diary -- really made me feel ... I dunno, important. Like my entire life has not taken place inside my confused little head. Like I ... exist. Or something.

Thanks for the reassurance. I needed it.

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Comments are temporarily out of order until I can afford to get a SuperGold membership again. Yes, that is also why all the images are broken. I apologize. In the meantime, please use the guestbook for anything you may wish to say. Thanks.

Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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� Ripe Tomato 2001-2005
Don't steal my shit. I'll send thugs. Oh shut up. I do so have thugs. Quit laughing! Look, just don't steal my stuff, OK?