2001-07-03 - 11:03 p.m.

I'm rather bored this evening. I am going to periodically write in this diary as I surf ... so all of you can read about what sort of excitement I find online.


8:30ish - The Spark has a new test .. the Gay Test. I'm taking it at this very moment. I'll let ya know how I score ....

8:45ish - Apparently I'm 42% gay. That's considerably higher than the average female test taker scores, according to The Spark. Wow ... and they didn't even ASK me about my collection of Japanese schoolgirl panty shot photos ...

9:00ish - Re-took the test as a lesbian for no particular reason ... THAT got me a 47% gay score. Apparently that's an even higher score than the average lesbian! Yowzah ... maybe I should reconsider this whole "straight" thing .. clearly the dyke is in me .... maybe it's time to let her loose.

9:30ish - Christ, I'm bored. I don't even KNOW what I did online for the past half hour.

Watch this. Make sure your sound is on.

9:40ish - No one on my icq contact list is online. Apparently they have better things to do. Maybe I should take a cue from them ....

9:50ish - Boom BOOM.

Mmm .. pedophile bait. That's what I call these girls. (that, or Victims of the Britney Spears Phenomenon).

10:10ish - Just had a conversation on icq .. was asked about school-type stuff ... I swear to GAWD, if one more person responds to my lack of fond regard for those high school years with "Those are supposed to be the best years of your life, guess you won't be too happy, huh?" or ANYTHING like that, I fucking SWEAR I will have them shot. BANG. I'm not usually so cranky ... but FUCK. Some people say the dumbest things ...

10:20ish - Talking to a guy on icq who goes by the name "corvettekid21". I swear, he's talked to me, like 5 times, and every time he asks where I'm from, if I have a "pic" and if I'm looking for some action. Every time I tell him no, but he seems to have terminal amnesia. Oh, and what the fuck is up with icq folk who can't be bothered to check your details before they start talking to you? Goddamn a/s/l my ASS! Lazy bastards. Oh .. and why is it that the random-ish messages I get on icq are almost exclusively from local guys looking for a shag, or Algerian guys looking for a way outta their country?

10:40ish - I'm attempting to eat rock-hard ice cream from the container. I suppose I should let it thaw a tad. Why don't freezers stay at an ice-cream optimal temperature? Sometimes ice cream comes out fine, sometimes semi-soft, and other times I have to battle ice cream of steel. Why is this?

10:55ish - Gave up on the ice cream. I just realized I'm not hungry anyway. Went downstairs & took a Ritalin. Goddamn wonder-drug, it is. Fuck the controversy.

Damn ... now I'm THIRSTY all of a sudden ...

11:00ish - Got me some water to drink. Came back to the computer and somehow accidentally closed off Diaryland. Luckily I was prepared for accidental deletion of this entry (it happens) and have been saving it to Word as I go. Good thing too ... I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on my documentation of my wild night of net fun.

I am now re-reading back episodes of Brendan's page. Like, ones that were before I came along. I don't know why I'm reading them again ... just felt like it I guess. Here's what worries me ... his entries written after we got together are not as content-filled as the old ones. I've said it to him before ... and I'll say it to all of you: I think I'm Brendan's Yoko Ono. I'm ruining him. Seriously ... I feel terrible. Oh well ... at least he's not in a legendary band. I'd hate to be accused of breaking up a legendary band. Poor Yoko. Poor odd, fruity Yoko. I'd like to meet Yoko ... I bet she's a fun person to do lunch with. I wonder what she eats?

11:20ish - Came across Episode XVI on Brendan's site. Now I know where I got the idea to do this "journalized" diary entry. Is it just me, or do I rip stuff off my boyfriend a lot? That can't be good ...

11:35ish - Went to check up on squishy only to discover that it is no more. What's worse is that Pamie took down the archives .. damnitall. Never did get around to reading them. I'll miss that page.

Ugh ... another local boy asking for a pic and a/s/l shyte ... why is it that I can't bring myself to be rude and tell him to look at my goddamn info? Rrrrgh ... and why ask for a pic the second you start talking to someone? Christ ... so tacky. I'm gonna write up a list of icq Don'ts for my next entry, I swear.

11:45 - Went to check my SparkMatch account, but the server's down. Oh well. I never get messages there anymore anyway. It's either the nerdy writing, the vacant-looking photo of me, or the thing that says I'm not single. Or all three. Whatever. Oh, incidentally, I re-took the test a while back and am now The Mermaid instead of the Pink Princess. I dunno about the description, but the green hair & the scales are oh-so-kinky, I think.

Casually informed Mr. a/s/l of my non-single status. He promptly ceased sending me messages.

Midnightish - Debating whether or not I should head out to Toronto tomorrow to scope out the area our downtown apartment is in. Thought It'd be a good idea to get a feel for the area as well as the available jobs. But it's supposed to be 28 fucking degrees (American? That's 83 degrees Farenheit. Stupid non-metric measuring increments ... so illogical damnit.) and there's nothing worse than sticky city heat. But it is summer, so maybe I should just quit my whining and go, huh?

We shall see. Thursday's supposed to be "breezy and cool". I like the sound of that.

12:10 - Just went to the can. Making a mental note to tell my mom to start springing for good toilet paper. Christ .. I might as well use fucking newspaper. Toilet paper is NOT the item to be cutting your budget with. OK? That's just wrong.

12:15 - Making new mental note to stop sharing tales of my bathroom escapades with all of you.

12:20 - Am searching Google for the lyrics to the song 'Bootylicious' by Destiny's Child. I swear it sounds like they're singing "I don't think you're ready for this jelly." But that can't be right ... or is it???

My GAWD!! That IS what they're singing!!! Good grief ... have a look here for the complete lyrics.

12:30 - A phone conversation between two women. Silly, shallow, but entertaining nonetheless.

There's an ant crawling up the wall. We seem to get a lot of ants in this house. We also appear to have a severe earwig infestation. They're everywhere downstairs. Damn bugs.

12:35 - I'm thinking I should call it a night. Well, not as in going to sleep, not yet. But I think I've had it with the net for tonight. How the hell did I manage to stay online for four goddamn hours?

Ugh. No net for me tomorrow. Well ... maybe. But none of THIS! Good grief.

Goodnight. If you care, I updated sadtomato earlier today. But I don't think I'll inform anyone of sadtomato updates from here on. It's kinda personal & soul-baring-ish ... I feel self-conscious promoting it. It's there to read, and those who wish to read it can check it on their own now & again.

ANYWAY .. goodnight again, it's been a blast but it's time to go for now. See ya wheneverish.

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Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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