Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 - 2:20 p.m.
Five Questions

So I'm doing this five question thingy I saw in Star's diary.

If you'd like to participate, here are the rules:

1 -- Leave a comment (in my guestbook or notes) if you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your diary with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

Here are the questions Star asked me:

1) If you were told you had 24 hours to live, how would you spend it?

Ugh ... I know people usually say all these things they'd do that they always wanted to try/accomplish in their lifetimes since time was running out, but I really don't think I'd do that. I think if I only had one day left, I'd just sit around. Maybe I'd go for a walk and try to appreciate the earth or something, I don't know ... I just know that I wouldn't want to spend the last hours of my life trying to cram in all sorts of big adventures .. because by the time I was done it'd be like, "Oh crap, I'm gonna die now" ... no, I wouldn't like that. I think what I would do, though, is make sure I talk to all the people I like or appreciate in my life. Maybe I'd write them all letters, I don't know. I'd want to do something to make them all feel less shitty that I died, I guess. I'd try to be serene. I'd want to spend the day with James, too .. but that would just be so incredibly painful for both of us .. ugh ugh ugh. I really don't want to know when I'm about to die .. can I arrange it so that even if there's some way to tell I'm going to die in X number of hours, I remain uninformed? Unless of course I'm a hundred and something years old. By then I'm sure I'll have accepted it.

2) Do you believe in life after death?

I don't know. Heh ... I don't usually get this deep or contemplative in my diary, do I? Well ... I guess I believe in something. I don't think we just die and that's the end of it, though I used to say that that's what I believed because it was an easy answer and I was raised without religion (sure we celebrated Christmas, but only in the spend-time-with-family-and-exchange-presents sort of way, not in a holy way). I know that people have suddenly felt the presence of someone in their lives who'd recently died, or had vivid dreams of speaking to them ... I don't think that stuff is bullshit at all. There's some sort of spiritual energy there. I may or may not believe in reincarnation ... the subject interests me, but I haven't done enough research or soul-searching or meditating on any of this. I would like to.

3) If you had to choose either sex or cuddles for the rest of your life, which would it be?

I hope this doesn't make me seem "typically female", but I'd probably go with cuddles. I mean, the idea of just having sex with someone and then just like, getting out of bed and getting dressed and going on with my day seems a bit ... I dunno, cold. Fine for a one night stand (if I were single, that is), but depressing if it's for the rest of my life. I'm in a long-term relationship, and if I had to go on simply having sex with no intimacy for the rest of my life, I think the relationship would pretty much be over. Not because I don't like the sex (belieeeeeeeeeve me, that's not it), but because it's hard to have a committed, exclusive long-term relationship with just sex, isn't it? I've really never heard of it before, at least not among humans. Then again, if there was no sex, I have a feeling James wouldn't be too thrilled about that. Then again, neither would I. Man, what a crappy choice. Can I still masturbate and look at porn online?

4a) If you had to eat human meat to survive, would you?

OK, I need more information on this one. Has someone already died, or do I have to kill them first? Can I cook the meat, or do I have to eat it raw? Am I the one doing the chopping up and cooking, or is someone else doing it for me? Is the person whose carcass I'd be feeding on a friend of mine? OK, I suppose if someone had already died and it was the only way I'd live, I'd do it ... but even then, I'm not so sure. I mean, once I was finally rescued, people would find out I ate another human being to survive, and everyone would know me as some sort of cannibal. I mean, how understanding would people be? They might be like "Oh, don't invite Lara over for dinner, honey. Remember in the papers how they said she fed off of passengers to survive when that plane crashed on that desert island? Honestly ... if we're late cooking those burgers, she may get peckish and start gnawing at our dear little son, Skippy.". Now, hopefully I'd never associate with anyone who named their son Skippy, but you get the idea. I don't want to survive some horrible situation only to be an outcast for the rest of my life. Maybe I could join a cannibal tribe ... if that were possible, I might reconsider.

4b) If you didn't have to eat human meat to survive, but you wanted to anyway out of curiousity, would you?

You mean if someone just cooked it up and offered me some? Or does this mean going out and killing someone on the streets and frying them up just to satisfy my curiosity? I suppose it doesn't matter ... the answer is no either way. Though I did once have a dream that I'd killed at least one person and cooked them up in the microwave just to see what human meat tasted like .. I remember James was over and he could smell the meat .. I told him my mom had just been cooking something, I think ... and then I felt so guilty, I was like "Why the hell did I do this?" ... and I vaguely remember trying to dispose of a human body in a big garbage bag ... it was a really bad dream.

5) Just how freaky am I?

I dunno, Star ... I've only been reading your diary for a short time, but all of these cannibal questions are beginning to make me wonder. No, just kidding ... they're interesting questions to ask. As far as I know, you're not much different from me ... except that you're from New Zealand and .. um, actually, that's all I can think of right now. How about if I read more of your diary and then I tell you just how freaky you are (or aren't)? Can I do that? Or would you like to tell me more about yourself that might help me decide? OK ... looking at your diaryrings .. this is interesting. You're a vegetarian. That in itself is not remarkable, but it's interesting that you included those people-eating questions in the thingy when you yourself don't even eat other animals. Now I'm curious as to how you'd answer those questions. Are you a vegetarian to the death, or will you eat meat to survive? And is sticking by those principles to the death admirable, or just stupid? I wonder .. hmm. I'm not even sure what I think about that one. OK, you're German, too ... Germans are freaky, fetishy people, all into leather and bondage aren't they? All of them, without exception, right? No, but seriously, I'll have to get back to you on this one.

Well, thanks for the mini-interview, Star. I enjoyed it.

Now, if anyone else wants a 5-question interview, you know what to do.

Oh, and PS, once I've posted a new entry after this one, I won't be giving out any more five question interviews, because .. well there needs to be some sort of time limit, right?

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