Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004 - 11:21 a.m.
Life is good .. mostly .. if I forget about work and what day it is.

I was all set to go out and do some Christmas shopping, then I remembered that nothing opens until noon. Blasted Sundays.

But I haven't updated in a while, so I figured now is as good a time as any.

Things are OK, mostly, except work. Well, nothing particularly bad is happening at work, it's just that I know I should be doing something else. The owner's mother is going on vacation until sometime in March, so I've been scheduled to work every Saturday in January, which is the insanely busy boxing sale month. Saturdays are busy as it is. Also, Saturdays are shorter and I'm still working the same number of days per week, so I'll actually be making a little bit less money, despite having to do more work. Joy. Note to self: GET THE FUCK OUT OF RETAIL, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU???

Despite this, I'm actually fairly happy with my life these days. I'm still on the computer a lot, but my time online is spent socializing quite a bit, and I've ended up meeting quite a few interesting online people in real life these past few months. I can name at least five off the top of my head right now. And that's pretty damn cool, I think. Derek, Dan, Kat, Emily-Jane, Adam .. hopefully those names will pop up frequently in this diary from now on. New friends are wonderful, exciting things.

Also, James and I are still very good friends. I have to say, this is definitely the easiest breakup I've ever had to go through, which is amazing, because I thought it would be the most difficult. I can only hope that every breakup I go through goes so well. Heh, well, assuming the next person I have a relationship with isn't the one. Bleh, how I hate those silly terms like "soulmate" or "love of my life" or "the one". Where does that leave you if the relationship ends? Forever miserable because "the one" is gone? That's not romantic, it's just foolish and masochistic. There are plenty of "ones" out there. That doesn't mean that when you find one you shouldn't hold on to them, nor does it mean that it won't last, just that if it's time to let go, freaking let go. Move on. Take your time .. but get on with your life for chrissake. I know too many people who just can't get over someone they were convinced was it for them. They're beyond depressing to talk to. Being hurt and needing time is one thing. Refusing to let go is another.

OK, that tangent is over now.

Christmas is next weekend, and it doesn't feel like it. It's going to be odd. We're not spending it with my mom's brother's family this time since they're now in BC and not Windsor. I think I'll miss the chaos. And the dogs.

Sundays are very difficult for me these days. I've never particularly enjoyed them, but I've had a harder time than usual with them lately. Not really sure why. But they definitely feel different to me than other days. I get the Sunday Blahs. If I were in a band I would so totally write a deep sensitive sad song about it. But I believe "Sunday Blues" is already taken. I'm still looking for a way to make my Sundays enjoyable, or at least more bearable. If anyone has any ideas, let me know (Note: nookie is not the answer .. I tried that).
Update: Click here to see exactly what effect Sundays have on me .. it's disturbing.

Anyway .. it is now after noon, so that means I can go out and shop. Yippee skip.

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Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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