Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2004 - 12:12 a.m.

I haven't written in a week. I was distracted. Last Wednesday my aunt was supposed to come over, just my aunt, to help us clean out our basement because she's good at that sort of thing, but she ended up bringing two of my cousins and their two dogs, and they were here for a few days. So yeah. There was a lot going on. And now our basement is clean. Holy shit is it clean. I don't think I've ever lived in a house that at any time had a clean basement before. It almost doesn't seem right.

So anyway, I came back online today only to discover that everyone on my favourites list has updated their diary sixty-seven times, and I had to read every single update because I was afraid maybe someone wrote about their great aunt dying of cancer or something, and I didn't want to miss the entry and look like an asshole for not signing their guestbook or something. Seriously .. can't the rest of the world just sort of .. freeze up for a while when I'm not around? I hate to miss things.

I'm far too excited about The Sims 2 coming out. It's not due out until December or something .. which is good, because I'll need a new computer just to be able to play it, and that'll be right around Christmas and my birthday. Seriously though .. take a look at those video clips. One of them shows a woman ripping off her shirt before having mad passionate sex with a guy on the couch! Yes, the boobs are cyberscrambled .. but still. All kinds of new stuff in this game. And I'm stuck with plain old regular Sims. Would you believe that at first I unthinkingly started to type "" as the URL? Well I did.

I've been reading a book called The Diet Cure, which leads me to believe that my problems with my weight, overeating of starchy food, and constant tiredness might actually be the result of a brain chemical imbalance, among other things. I took the little symptom checker thingy in the book, and it said that if I scored above a 10, I might have a brain chemical imbalance. I scored 47. Heh. According to these symptom checkers, I also probably have a blood sugar imbalance (that would make sense, since type II diabetes runs in my family), unhealthy addictions to foods I'm actually allergic to (yup .. dairy products make me break out, and bread type foods make me sluggish, and I can't seem to get enough of either one), and possibly a hormonal imbalance (I won't elaborate on that one, but yeah, that one makes sense, too. And besides, anyone who's been on birth control pills for a while is likely to have this problem). Christ. And apparently I can fix all of these things by taking amino acid supplements (no, not diet pills ... amino acids .. those important things found in protein and vegetables) for a few months that will increase my energy and keep my starchy food cravings under control so that I'll have the energy to exercise and the self-control to not binge on Pringles and Skor Bites, and thus will not feel like such a sack of shit all the time. Oh man .. maybe I'm getting my hopes up too much .. but if this works, I will be elated. My energy levels are absolute crap. Everything feels incredibly strenuous to me. Until reading this book, I didn't realize it wasn't normal to experience a head rush every time I stand up. Sounds a bit dumb of me, but I never gave it much thought. And to think all this isn't solely caused by my own sloth and gluttony. Remarkable! We'll soon find out if there's any truth to this.

Anyway, I'm off to play my crappy "original" Sims.

Have a good night.

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Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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