Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2003 - 1:39 p.m.
Pet Woes

I just want to thank everyone for the kind words regarding the situation with my rats. Thanks for the advice as well ... just to clarify, I did try the pity thing with my mom, what with the tears and all, although that sort of happened naturally, not because I was trying to make her feel guilty. Now, I didn't mention her reason for making me give up the rats. It's because there are four of them and two gerbils in one room, and they smell. No matter how much cleaning I do, they smell. Cleaning their cages out every single day might've made it alright, but I can't afford the replacement cage stuff I'd need if I were to do it that frequently. I sort of got used to the smell, but my mom didn't, and refuses to. We're living in a nice new home, and she doesn't enjoy having an entire room in our lovely new home smelling like a barn (and if the door's open, the smell creeps out to other parts of the house). They can't be kept anywhere else in the house, especially not my bedroom, because I discovered a few months after getting my rats that I'm actually allergic to them, and having them in my room while I sleep would mean waking up in the middle of the night with asthma problems and having to take puffers every night that are only meant for emergencies. Taking all of this into account, my mom made up her mind. It's her house, so it's really up to her in the end.

Anyway, the rats are still here with me, but I have found homes for them. Boo has offered to take my boys, and as long as her mother doesn't do something to prevent it (the whole mother-not-wanting-them thing is really making me uneasy), she will get them. James' mom just reluctantly gave him permission to take my girl rats, so they'll have a new home as well. The boys are being delivered to Boo's house on Sunday, and I'm not sure when James is getting the girls.

Sad as I am to lose them, I feel lucky to have found homes for all of them when before I was pretty sure they'd all end up being put to sleep.

I get to keep my gerbils, but really, they hate to be handled or played with, so I'm basically just providing them with a home and not bugging them until they die .. which might not be for a few years. OK, so they don't smell bad ... but they're not exactly cuddly, affectionate pets like the ratties. I forget why I got them now. Oh, right, because I couldn't get a dog, and I wanted some sort of small furry pet and I knew very little about the personalities of various rodents at the time. Oh well .. they are cute, and they love chewing up paper so their tank pretty much acts as a recycling bin.

Anyway, when I move out, and I have enough money, I'm getting a dog, and no one's taking it away from me.

I sound like a little kid.

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