Wednesday, Jan. 08, 2003 - 5:57 p.m.
Geekiness: Nature or Nurture?

James and I are at a nearly empty cyber cafe in Mississauga right now. Two complete losers are sitting behind us playing Counterstrike, talking to each other and arguing over game techniques in ridiculously loud voices. They look maybe ... 15, 16 or something. I'm tempted to turn around and say "Indoor voices, please!" Gah. I wonder if I'll end up with dweeby kids like that. I wonder if I'll love them just the same, or if I'll realize how dweeby and irritating they are. Not that nerds can't be cool. It's just that these particular ones are not. Loud, obnoxious nerdiness is always a bad thing.

I wish they had Monkey Island here. I don't know any of the games on this computer, and I'm not sure what to do with myself.

I'm thinking of looking into working at a body piercing place. I think it might make for some fun-filled times. I think you just need to take a few courses on piercing. I'll bet I could do it. Besides, it'd be an easy way to scope out boobs and genitalia without consequences.

James just had a mini conversation with the dweebs.

Dweeb: "Did you just start playing WarCraft?"

James: (nod)

Dweeb: "Oh"

James: "Do you guys play any other games, besides Counterstrike?"

Dweebs, in unison: "Counterstrike .. and uh .. "

Dweeb: "We play WarCraft & other stuff"

James: "I normally play StarCraft"

Dweeb: "Oh. I heard StarCraft sucks"

That was the sum of it.

Funny, I always thought I was a geek, until recently. Maybe I still am, but I'm not those guys (I'm not referring to my James, of course .. his geekiness is minor and endearing). I'm not a game geek ... I may share some of their social ineptitude, but their dorkiness seems to reach more extreme depths. Their particular affliction seems to affect far more males than females. Maybe that second X chromosome saved me.

I'm going to bug James and see if he wants to leave soon.


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