Sunday, Sept. 08, 2002 - 7:09 p.m.
Entry, Interrupted

Bah. This whole seeing-James-all-the-time paradise has come to an end. I'll be in school starting Tuesday, and he's already back in school. With any luck, I'll be the studious type and thus too busy to miss him as much as I otherwise would. Besides, I'll still get to see him on weekends, and maybe Mondays and Fridays as well, depending.

You know what I hate? I hate when I'm playing The Sims, and I work like mad to get my Sims characters into good moods and get them more friendships and whatnot, and they get promoted, twice, and they're bringing in lots of dough, and they're doing great, and then the computer freezes on me. I can't save the game. I have to restart. And my little Simmikins are back where they started. Heh. Remind me to save the game every time they go to bed.

Good thing that doesn't happen in real life. Although I would enjoy the feature of being able to return to a previously saved game whenever I did something idiotic. I think I've mentioned that before, I forget.

Oh, I got my hair cut & coloured yesterday. It's an ultra-rich, vibrant red, with brighter red highlights. It's cut in choppy layers, and I like it. I look so rad, I almost want myself.

I can't believe I'm going to school. I need to buy books and pay my fees tomorrow. Fuck, I hope I have enough money. *phones Daddy*

I'm excited, I think. I'm just nervous. These sorts of things (ie. work, school, etc.) make me feel all bumbling and incompetent. Like a small child in an adult body. Well, a youthful adult body.

Ripe Tomato says:
*is writing an entry*

New Fast Automatic F-REEK says:

New Fast Automatic F-REEK says:
a raaaaare event

New Fast Automatic F-REEK says:
how rare

Ripe Tomato says:

New Fast Automatic F-REEK says:
aww, that just makes us love them more dear.

Ripe Tomato says:

Ripe Tomato says:
i'm hoping school will improve my diary entries

Ripe Tomato says:
because i'm really starting to dislike my updates

New Fast Automatic F-REEK says:

New Fast Automatic F-REEK says:
the diary rut

New Fast Automatic F-REEK says:
we're all in it

Ripe Tomato says:
my entries are all "blah blah blah, i did some stuff, i forget what, i'm too busy with real life, *insert something cute about james here*, blah blah"

That conversation just took place.

And crap, I have to go. More later.

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Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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Don't steal my shit. I'll send thugs. Oh shut up. I do so have thugs. Quit laughing! Look, just don't steal my stuff, OK?