Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2002 - 2:27 a.m.
Tha scoop

Long weekend, this was. Good, but long. Well, great, actually. Anyway, yeah. Went a couple of days without any entries here or in the log.

Here's what's been going on with me over the past two days:

- I've chilled with James' friends some more.

- I've been toying with the idea of going (erk) vegan for a bit just to try it out, purely for health reasons (my skin and my asthma react badly to milk, and eating meat always seems to make me sleepy -- supposedly because meat takes considerable amounts of energy for a human body to digest) ... though I need to give it some more thought and planning.

- My blue hair is fading ever-so-gradually.

- I've decided I'm going to continue to dye my hair various impossible colours each time the dye fades, until I either get sick of having punky-coloured hair, or exhaust all the colours in the spectrum. Whichever comes first.

- I haven't talked to my bestest fwiend all weekend, except for this evening when she called me, and then I had to let her go pretty quickly, and I hope she's not mad at me. I'll call her tomorrow, I will. Tomorrow being today, technically, since it's past 2:30 am, but that's being picky.

- I really, really, really need to stop fiddling around with my nose ring, and picking at it, and touching it. It was looking so good and healed, but now it's gotten gross again. If you see me playing around with my nose ring, please slap my hand away.

- It's springtime, and I am a walking allergy. My eyes are always red and itchy, and I walk around looking like this a lot. What a sexy season this is for me.

- James James James James James James James James James. I love my James. I really really like being with him. Our personalities just seem to ... meld really well together. Yeah. I never feel bored with him, even when we're not really doing anything. He's so great. He's gweat!

- Speaking of James ... I slept over at his house on Saturday night. Now, usually I sleep in the guest room, but this time for some reason it looked as though James' mom didn't seem to mind my sleeping in James' room with him. We didn't actually ask her, but she said goodnight to us both when we were in there together, and didn't seem to be anxious for me to get out of there and into the other room, so ... ehh, we went for it. No, not sex ... we just decided to both sleep in his room and see if we'd get away with it. And, well, we did ... at least, I think we did. But at around 8 am, I sort of half woke up. I wasn't really wearing anything, because the air conditioning wasn't on and it was like, 800 degrees in James' room. I woke up with the covers down at waist level, and just as I was starting to pull them up over me, the bedroom door opened, and there was James' mom, letting their dog, Roman, into the room. The dog ran in and the door promptly closed ... I don't know if his mom actually looked at me or saw that I was naked at least from the waist up or what, but I freaked out. I turned to a 90% asleep James as he pet his dog, and said "Are you aware of what just happened?". He mumbled something like "Mmfgh .. Huh? Not really." And I said "Your mom just opened the door and let the dog in, and I think she saw me naked ...". James was very much un-awake, and just sort of went "Oh" or something, then went back to sleep. I was pretty freaked out, but eventually I managed to nod back off as well. When we finally did get out of bed, his mom said nothing about it, nor did she act strangely toward us, so although I have no idea what she saw, I think we're in the clear. Unless of course James tells me otherwise. Scary though, no? Supreme embarrassment. And to think, we didn't even do anything naughty that night! All we did was sleep!

Mmm ... speaking of sleep ...

Yeah, goodnight.

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Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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