Saturday, Jun. 08, 2002 - 12:00 p.m.
L from T-dot

James is finally going to see my blue hair in person tonight! Exciting!

I'm going to Mississauga to hang with him and his peeps. In Mississauga I'm known as "L" ... or "L, from T-dot", because the first time I met James' friend Todd, he informed me that since he was already unsure of how to pronounce my name (FYI: Both "Laira" and "Lahra" are acceptable, "Laura" or "Lora" are not ... neither are "Lana", "Lorna", or any other name that would require an entirely different spelling), as the night progressed and he got more and more inebriated, he would probably be unable to say it properly, and wanted to know if I minded if he simply referred to me as "L". So now that's what everyone in Mississauga calls me. Todd has clout, apparently.

That reminds me ... please take my fun-filled quiz if you haven't already. It's an egocentric "see how much you know about me" quiz, and my little "L" story just gave you a free answer, so you're already one-up.

So far my friend DJ (AKA "Jikharev" or "Belgian Waffle") has the highest score ... 9 out of 10. Impressive, considering he doesn't know me in real life. Actually, technically James has the highest score, but since he cheated by taking it again under a slightly different name, it doesn't count. Poor guy got my eye colour wrong ... though in his defense, he does know very well what colour my eyes are, he just thought maybe I would've been of the opinion that they were a different colour, and wanted to guess the answer that I would've given. Heheh ... sneaky .. but it didn't work. Meh ... I still love him.

Last night Crystal came over and we got pleasantly tipsy on Stella Artois (fancy, fancy, I know), whilst webcamming with some drunken brit (heheh ... "drunken brit" ... is that a redundancy or what?). It was fun. We also went to Tortilla Flats with Crystal's friend Erin and drank some sort of drink that was like a long island iced tea, but also had Southern Comfort in it. It was called "Cactus Cola" or something like that. They came in huge jug-like glasses and contained roughly 3 ounces of hard liquor each. Before we left, I decided to try out their computerized breathalyzer test thingy, just for kicks. I put a dollar into it, listened to the computer voice which told me to blow into this hole with a straw, and waited for it to compute my level of inebriation (is that a word?). Turns out I was "legally intoxicated". Woo. I paid a dollar to find out I'm a drunken sow ... go me.

Wheeeee! I can't wait to see my guy tonight. I'd better go shower and make sure I have clean clothes to wear.

Bye for now.

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