Monday, May. 06, 2002 - 1:29 a.m.
I did a lot of stuff this weekend.

Woah. This weekend was eventful.

Stayed at The Dad's place on Friday, drank like a fish (Do fish actually drink? What a stupid expression ... uh anyway ..), ate some great food, and admitted to my dad and Dawn that I am totally freaking out about finally taking a university course. It was very therapeutic to be able to tell my dad something like this, since he used to put insane amounts of pressure on me to do well in school, for fear that my intelligence and cynicism (those were his words, I swear) may lead me to neglect or reject the educational system and never get past all of that public/high school bullshit and into university where he figured I belonged. He tells me he believes that I'm considerably more intelligent than he is, and he's a university professor with a PhD and a few books published. I'm not trying to brag. Well, maybe I am, I don't know. The point is, he thinks rather highly of my intellect, and has always wanted me to achieve well academically.

Now that he doesn't live with me, and I'm 21 years old, and he's become a more easygoing person in general, he no longer has expectations. He's willing to help me in any way he can. He's paying for damn near all of my university tuition and expenses, with no strings attached. It's my money for school, he says, but I can take whatever courses I want, I can do as well or as poorly as I want, once he gives me the money, he lets go of it. It's my money, it's my business.

Amazing, no? How many people's parents do that for them? I feel so lucky. And so terrified of screwing up now that there's no real outside pressure to keep me in line. It's all me.

Woo boy. Scary. Do I trust me? I don't know. I really don't know. These situations make me feel like a small child with sudden adult responsibilities. Except that I'm old enough to get drunk whenever I want and do other irresponsible things could easily hinder any progress I may make in life.


Well anyway, on Saturday Ben came to Toronto to hang out and to meet Crystal in person for the first time, since I'd recently introduced them online and they'd started talking. James and I met up with the two of them at Crystal's place. None of them had met each other before, so basically I had my boyfriend, my best Toronto friend, and my favourite online/sort-of-real-life-but-lives-a-couple-cities-away friend meeting each other for the first time, and I was the only real link between the three of them. It was exciting. I've never really gotten to introduce friends like that ... it made me feel cool and popular. Woo.

I hadn't seen Ben since January, and I don't get to hang out with him much at all in real life, so it was really awesome to see him again. I almost forgot how much I dig that guy. He's such a teddy bear. I wish he didn't live in bloody Kitchener and I could hang out with him more often.

Crystal and Ben seemed to hit it off well enough, and they were both very fond of James (but who wouldn't be?). Not only that, but James thought they were pretty cool as well, which means no difficult significant-other-and-good-friends-not-getting-along situations to deal with. Whew. A success!

So last night, after visiting my apartment and taking a whole bunch of amusing webcam pictures, the four of us ended up at a bar/club, where frumpy middle-aged women and nubile 20somethings alike strutted their stuff on the dance floor. We all sat at a table and watched. The fucking hockey game was playing on this huge screen, and they stopped the music right in the middle of Pump it Up by Elvis Costello so that everyone could hear the damn game.

I hate hockey. I've always hated sports on TV, but when it interrupts Elvis Costello, that's when it gets personal. The music resumed once the game ended, but at that point they were playing songs like Video Killed the Radio Star and Dancing Queen. Fucking philistines.

Oh well. All in all, it was a fun night. Some of those dancing middle-aged ladies sure were feisty.

I drank way too much beer, and actually agreed to get on the dance floor with Crystal for the last song before James and I headed off. I don't even remember what song it was, although I'm pretty sure it was one I knew at the time.

The song ended and we went back to the table, and Ben said to me "I told you you'd dance."

Bastard. I hate when he's right. I blame it on the alcohol.

So James and I said our goodbyes to Crystal and Ben and cabbed back to my apartment. Once we got inside and sat down on the couch, I realized how drunk I was ... I felt a bit dizzy and queasy all of a sudden, which did not make me happy, since there I was in my apartment alone with my guy and it was starting to look like I wouldn't even be able to shamelessly take advantage of him because I was going to be sick.

So yeah, I did some puking. It all took place safely in the toilet, and it didn't last long. James had to listen to it though ... lucky him. I'm sure there's nothing quite like hearing one's girlfriend heaving in the next room to get those hormones going. Actually, I seem to recall that he was kind enough to ask if I wanted him to come with me when I told him I was going to the bathroom to be sick .. is that not incredibly selfless? Heh ... I said no, of course ... I try to avoid allowing guys I really like to actually see me throw up. Despite the fact that my last boyfriend and I started going out about a week after a party during which I actually sat right next to him on a curb and hurled into a plastic bag whilst waiting for a cab to come and take my drunken ass home, I consider that situation uncharacteristic and assume that while it may not always drive a guy away from me completely, vomiting in front of a guy generally won't do anything to improve my chances of getting lucky. Go figure.

Luckily I felt a lot better the next morning/today, and once James and I dragged ourselves out of bed, had our caffeine, and played around with the webcam some more, we went and saw Spiderman. Pretty fucking cool visuals. Lots of cheese, but definitely worth seeing anyway. Just ignore the silly romance plot and watch the fighting and web-slinging. Cool shit.

I have a bunch of webcam pictures to post from last night and this morning, but I'm going to have to do that tomorrow because I'm dozing off as I type this. I should probably end this entry right nZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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