Saturday, Apr. 20, 2002 - 2:51 p.m.
Drunkenness and intimidating words

Tonight James' friend is having a party which will involve much drinking, among other things. I'll be going to that, so I'll be meeting friends of my boyfriend for the first time ... which of course makes me nervous, because, you know, if I end up not liking his friends, I'll have to dump him immediately, of course.

Mwuahaha. I'm such a kidder.

So yeah, James is now my boyfriend, for those of you who didn't already read that here. I didn't make a point of mentioning it sooner because I seem to have this phobia of being the first person in the couple to use the word "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". I like to wait until the other person has said it first, just in case there's a tiny chance I'm out of line. I mean, there's a certain amount of weight attached to those titles ... once you use them, you're essentially saying to everyone "We are with each other. This is a relationship. Neither of us are available. If you put the moves on him/her you may be brutally slain by me, and justifiably so, you filthy weasel." ... or something to that effect. And so, even though a relationship I'm in may seem to be quite clearly one of the boyfriend/girlfriend variety, I'm always apprehensive that using those words may send the guy running away screaming in terror. So I waited for James to use the G-word in reference to me, which he did on the phone the other night, and then all was well.

How very "junior high" of me.

Oh well. Things with James are awesome, that's all that matters.

Anyway, yeah, so it looks like I'll be drinking tonight ... and because I no longer drink very often, it's entirely possible that I'll get quite plastered on a rather small amount of alcohol. It's also possible that I'll make an ass of myself. I suppose I'll try and avoid that. Alcohol makes me just a bit too happy. There's no one I don't love when I'm drunk. I remember once getting hammered at a friend's party and then being very very ill ... I forgot most of the night. Then I went to another party that he threw many months later, and EVERYONE there remembered me from the last party, people I barely knew. I showed up at his house, and they started laughing and cheering. I had no recollection of most of them. Disturbing. And no, I was not the party slut or anything like that, that's NOT why they claimed to remember me. I just amused everyone with my drunken antics, that's all. There's nothing stranger than hearing hysterically funny stories about yourself that you have absolutely no memory of. Very worrying.

Oh well, I'm sure I've matured since then ... um .. I hope.

Anyway, I'm in dire need of a shower.


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