Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2002 - 10:49 p.m.
An evening of encounters

Tonight was an odd evening of encounters.

First, on my way out to the Eaton's Centre, about 5 different people asked me for directions, all to places I'd never heard of. I'm geographically retarded as it is ... even when it comes to well known places that are nearby. People will ask me how to get to King street, say, and I'll reply "Uh, you mean like, from here?". Could I be more idiotic? Where else would they be asking for directions from? Often I'll be embarrassed at not knowing where someplace is, and use the old "Um, I dunno, I'm not from around here" or "Sorry, I just moved here, I don't know where places are yet" excuses. I did that back in Burlington when I'd been living there for ten years. It was really quite pitiful. So yeah. I always pray random people won't ask me for directions. I need some sort of flashing sign that says "DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED" to wear on my person so that perfectly nice lost people won't waste their time asking me anything.

Anyway, later on, I was walking down Queen street and I saw a few people walking ahead of me, one of whom I thought might be someone I knew. So I scurried up ahead and had a closer look as I passed them, and realized they weren't the person I thought they were. So I continued on my way, when I heard someone call my name. I turned around, only to see that someone else from that group was someone I knew, a girl I went to high school with. D'oh! So we talked for a few seconds, and then we were going different ways, so I lamely said "Uh, see ya!" and turned down the street to go to Chapters. Argh. I'm such a knob. I would've liked to talk to her more, but yeah. I'm socially inept sometimes, what can I say. Hopefully she doesn't think I was brushing her off or anything. I should've asked for her e-mail address or something. Oh well.

Then, on my way home again, I ran into my old friend Frank, one of the few people I used to hang out with regularly in Burlington a few years back. We were really good friends, but we lost touch for no particular reason. Then I called him on Friday, realizing I should give him my new phone number, and ended up leaving a message with his mom. And today I bumped into him less than a block away from home ... he was on his way to Union Station to go home, but we're supposed to hang out on Friday, which is cool. Woo, contact with real life friends! I hope I haven't forgotten how to converse with people out loud.

Written at Indigo this evening at 7:58 pm

I did it. I left my first card. In the fiction shelves at Indigo, in a nice, visible place. This is exciting. I've made 5 of them so far. They're nothing fancy, just my URL and a little note saying who I am and to visit my diary ... along with a disclaimer telling old perverts to fuck off ('Dred alerted me to the fact that leaving my card might just attract creepy old guys after my young booty, so I thought I'd try and discourage those types). I don't know if anything will even come of this ... I will make more, I think volume is the key. I'll just have to make sure I don't leave too many cards in the same stores and cafes, otherwise it will only annoy the staff who have to clean up ... oh I'm such a nerd, aren't I? Oh well.

So. My little advertising project has begun. I'm not going to write too much about it anymore since I don't want people who find these cards to come to my diary and just end up reading about how badass I think I am for leaving them around the city. That would be lame.

Back to the present.

Anyway, I think that's it for me tonight. Goodnight and sleep well.

Oh, and I simply must add this:

My Mormon name is LaBerta Busbyberkly Jukebox-Jezabel!
What's yours?


The end.

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Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
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