Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002 - 12:45 p.m.
Gonna git my learn on

I think Valentine's Day is lame.

That's all I have to say about it. No ideology-addled rants about the whole principle of having a designated day of the year where one is meant to shower their significant other with love, affection, flowers, and chocolates rather than showing love just because one feels like it, or the whole it's-just-some-commercialized-day-invented-by-Hallmark-so-they-could-make-more-money-off-poor-saps-who-want-to-stay-out-of-the-doghouse-with-their-whiney-girlfriends argument. No. I won't bother with that.

I just think it's lame.

(Update: having read Saturne's comments on people like yours truly who bitch about Valentine's Day, I'd like to add that yes, I most certainly am "bitter, lonely, whiny, jaded, vapid", among other things, but that my disregard for Valentine's Day has nothing to do with any of those traits. Er ... I don't think. Then again, maybe it does. Ehh, what the hell, I don't care either way. Just leave me to my sulking, will you? Thanks.)

But ... meh. To each their own.

Happy Valentine's day to all who enjoy the occasion.

New topic. School.

Those of you who've been reading a while (and/or or know me in so called "real life") know all about my aversion to the Big, Bad, Evil institution known as "school". I'm a two-time high school dropout. I've been known to shudder at the mere mention of the "S" word (no, not that one).


I filled out a pre-university registration form today. Provided I register before the course fills up, I'll be taking Humanities at York, starting mid-May. After everyone else gets out of school. Yay me. It's just a night school thing, only one course, and it will get me into York as a mature student for September, assuming I do alright. And I'm only twenty one, and I've still got that youthful glow, so I'll blend right in with the rest of the young whippersnappers.


I haven't attended school or anything remotely school-like in at least two years. This is going to feel strange. In fact, it already does.

This is rather scary.

I can't believe I'm finally doing this.

Please hold me.

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