Friday, Feb. 01, 2002 - 2:06 p.m.
I don't know what to call this entry. So I'll call it "Bob".

My manager from the kitchenware store I was working at just called me to let me know my last paycheck had been sitting around there for a few weeks now, and that I should drop by and get it.

You know what's really sad? I've known for a while that my paycheck was there, and I live a five minute walk away from the store, and I haven't bothered to pick it up. And I know it's over $100, too.

It's one thing when I can't bother leaving my apartment to pass out resumes or buy tedious necessities, but this is money I've already worked for. I know something's wrong when even my materialism can't motivate me to take a short trip.

This stagnance, this stay-at-home inertia ... ugh, it's gone way too far.

Ritalin, sweet Ritalin has helped me. I've been somewhat better since I started taking it again. But I'm slow to change, to make moves to get on with my life.

OK. I just wrote several paragraphs that I couldn't bring myself to post in this diary, and then deleted them.

It's time I started another diary for this sort of thing. I have one I started for this purpose but haven't used in a few months (no, not Sad Tomato, which I officially abandoned, a different one) which I ended up locking up because I wanted to change the layout and couldn't figure out how. Then I couldn't be bothered to write in it. But I need it now. I can't keep censoring myself in here ... but I like this diary the way it is, damnit. I have a feeling my entries (which I think have deteriorated in quality, despite my efforts to compensate by posting more and more pictures) would be better if I could spill my guts about certain things somewhere else.

SO. Enough babble. I really don't need to justify any of this, but I felt like talking about it for some reason.

Besides, I could use some help with the layout for the other diary. I need an aesthetically pleasing diary, it keeps me writing more. But my knowledge of html and design crap is scattered at best. And I want something original that fits with a certain theme I have in mind. So. If anyone wants to help me out with this, or even just give me a few pointers, let me know. If not, that's alright, I might just give myself a crash course on html ... if I'm motivated enough.

So that's enough of that. I'm going to talk about something else now.

I think I should probably get a winter coat after all. I'm not fond of walking around with a highly uncomfortable case of Spontaneous Nipple Erection (SNE) every time I go out ... and I find my teeth chattering involuntarily when standing still waiting for the lights to change, which is a bit embarrassing (Yeah, it's downtown Toronto, there's a woman barking on the corner, and a man engaging in fisticuffs with the light post, and I'm worried strangers are going to notice the foolish girl who is improperly attired for the weather. Could I be any more suburban?). So yeah. A winter jacket might be a wise purchase.

Hmm. This entry is coming to an end, but I can't figure out how to properly conclude it. So I'm not going to bother.


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Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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