Thursday, Dec. 13, 2001 - 12:15 a.m.

I'm absolutely convinced that I can tell whether or not a random icq person is a complete moron by the very first message he sends me.

And I say "he" because I don't get female random icq people talking to me. Ever.

So yeah. I'm that sharp. No, really.

Damned. Now if only I could read people like that in person, I'd be set.

Do you ever make forward lists in your e-mail account and not bother to edit them as needed, and then end up sending a lewd forward to someone you hadn't meant to? Heh. I do that. Not that it's usually a big deal ... but still. I'd better pay closer attention to that, eh?

Oooh, so I heard Chiv speak today, in a .wav file. He said "wanker"! How British! Of course, he has an English accent, so it sounded like "wankah". Thanks Chivay!

OK, so my shoulders really, really hurt, and I think I need a tall, strong-handed blonde man named Sven or Hans to rub them for an extended period of time. Anyone know any? Or do those dudes only exist on TV?

Damned ... don't ask me how I got roped into this one, but I have to record myself purring. Then I have to send it to some lucky bastard. Again, don't ask.

I just listened to my first efforts at purrs ... man, they're embarrassing. I sound like a decrepit Siamese with a hairball. Damnit .. I'm sexy, I'm sultry, I'm kittenish ... why the hell can't I master the purr? This is very frustrating ... I mean, I speak French .. I know how to roll my Rs and everything.


I'm having dinner at my dad and Dawn's place tomorrow night. I have to work the next day, too, which means I guess I can't get all nice and sloshed on wine like I normally do when I go there. Oh well.

Looks like I might be getting a webcam for Christmas this year! Exciting, no? Ah yes, the girl who loathes having her picture taken is excited at the idea of a webcam. I know it's odd. But I like the idea of not having any film to develop and photos to scan and such. Yes indeed. That would be oh-so-convenient.

Say, I'm sleepy. Goodnight.

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Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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