Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2001 - 2:33 p.m.
Time to do the victory jig

I just got a job today.


Sorry, that didn't quite come out right. Let me try this again ...

I GOT A JOB TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's better.

Yes, I've been hired at a certain store that sells ... er ... kitchenware (seriously). I'd tell you the name, but hey ... I don't want stalkers or anything. Hey, stop laughing ... it's entirely within the realm of possibility! I start on Monday. Go me! Pretty soon I can stop digging under the couch cushions for cash and fishing around in fountains (man, people sure do give you dirty looks when they see you knee deep in the water with your pants rolled up collecting pennies. What's their problem anyway?). This is very, very good news.

OK, so now for that story I promised I'd tell you today ...

The other night on Diaryland chat I was having a conversation with a select few Diarylanders, including ThisDarkGirl, whom I'd talked to on chat before, when I suddenly discovered that I knew her. In real life. I had no idea she was even a Diaryland member, and she didn't remember that I was, so it came as quite a surprise to both of us. Bear in mind that Diaryland has something like 250,000 members, OK? I mean, this was a serious fluke.

She realized who I was first, when I told everyone a story that just happened to give away the right details for her to identify me (I think she'd been told my net handle was Ripe Tomato months ago, but forgot, and then remembered and clued in when she heard my story). Now, she didn't say anything ... she told me she wasn't quite sure what to say at first. So I still didn't know who she was at this point. Then people in the room began discussing breakups and exes, and she mentioned this creep she'd dated who cheated on her with some of her friends. It brought to mind this very similar story that had happened to someone I'd known ... and suddenly I wondered if it was her. I figured it was a long shot ... I mean, I'm sure that's happened to plenty of people (kind of a depressing thought, but likely true), and she didn't go into any detail ... and what were the odds, right? But I piped in anyway. I was all "Hey Dark, I know someone who had that exact same thing happen to them ... maybe you're her!" ... and it was all said in jest, really, because I doubted it was really her. Then something made me pursue it ... I added "The guy's name wasn't ***insert cheating scumfuck's name here***, was it? Ha ha ha.", thinking it was funny because it was highly unlikely and I was just being cute.

That's when a private chat window popped up before me:

thisdarkgirl: *cough*
ripetomato: it was??

And that's when she told me that she'd just realized who I was when I told my story ... and that's when I started saying things like "woah" and "holy shit" for a while as I adjusted to this realization. I mean, it was just so trippy, the way we figured out that we knew each other ... it wasn't like we found out that we used to live in the same city and then asked for each other's names to see if we knew each other ... which would seem a lot more normal. We actually just recognized each other's stories ... despite the fact that no names were mentioned in either of them. Isn't that nuts? Well, I thought it was. I've never had anything like that happen to me online ... certainly not in a chatroom. Crazy. And if I were to tell you how I knew ThisDarkGirl, and then told you what I said in chat that made her realize who I was, well, you'd appreciate the "holy shit" aspect of this encounter even more. But I've decided not to reveal that information, because I'm annoying that way. Anyway, check out that link to her diary, because it's definitely good reading.

Small world indeed, sometimes.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go drink myself silly to celebrate my being employed. So what if it's the middle of the afternoon? I'm entitled, damnit! I just need to find the crystal champagne glasses ...

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Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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� Ripe Tomato 2001-2005
Don't steal my shit. I'll send thugs. Oh shut up. I do so have thugs. Quit laughing! Look, just don't steal my stuff, OK?