Friday, Nov. 02, 2001 - 2:03 a.m.
Job-hunting, and Toronto, and boys, and other stuff

I'm going out job hunting tomorrow. No, really, this time I mean it. I swear. I've got my "presentable" clothes laid out. I've got my resumes in snazzy folders in my bag. I've set my alarm clock and put it on the other side of my room so that when it goes off I can't just reach over blindly and pound it until it stops ringing, then roll over and resume sleeping.

I'm prepared, damnit.

I can't believe I've been such a wuss about looking for work since I've moved back ... it's kind of embarrassing, really. There are SOOO many places to work here, too. Unlike that sleepy little hole known as "London, Ontario". I'm having serious doubts about applying to Western for September now that I'm back in the citay. York may do me just fine. And if that works out, then London can kiss my ass.

OK, that was a little over-the-top. I apologize. London's not so bad ... if you go to Western. But I'd like to see how many Western students actually stay in that city once they graduate ... I mean, really. It's like ... Hamilton, except with trees ... and far less exciting.

Then there's Toronto, which has completely different shitty drawbacks. Like the way so many people are so damn busy, busy, busy, rushing, rushing, rushing, materialistic, jaded, vacant, ...


Don't you just love my sweeping generalizations?



See why I'm so determined to look for work tomorrow? Considering my mom doesn't give me money anymore, ever, I kind of won't be able to live off of my "savings" much longer. I'll waste away in a luxury apartment with no food (our fridge and cupboards are always bare because my mom eats out all the time) ... ah, irony.

But I have to stop complaining, because I brought this on myself. I know it. So stop shaking your head at me and doing that finger-wagging thing. It's really annoying.

Oh, so it looks like my stats have gone waaaay the hell DOWN this week ... I don't like that one bit. Maybe people were busy what with Hallowe'en ... I don't know. But even so ... I don't keep an online diary to be ignored. Who does a chick have to sleep with around here to get more hits?

Speaking of ... err ... sleeping with people ... someone e-mailed me today, wanting to know if I'd gotten any action last weekend (the "yada yada yada" comment was a tad suggestive, I know, but that was the whole idea). Actually, that's NOT even what they asked ... they asked if I had a new boyfriend now. Well, the answer is no. I met a guy I'd been talking to online last Friday. We had a couple of beers together. It was fun. We're now friends. Do I have to explain everything?

(I secretly love that people care enough to e-mail me and ask about my lovelife ... or lack thereof. It gives me warm fuzzies, and fuels my exhibitionism. So ignore my whining.)

Basically, I'm still a little fragile when it comes to dating. I seem to take a while to rebound. I don't want to rush into anything, because right now if I get close to someone it's hard for me to tell whether I actually have genuine feelings for them, or whether it's just really nice to feel some sort of physical chemistry with someone again. It's not good to confuse that stuff. So I need to take it easy ... and proceed with caution, I suppose. Not something I'm fond of, but it's necessary right now.

I'll just have to live off fantasies in the meantime ... hmmmmmmm ... yes .. fantasies of shy, cute, smart boys ... with pretty eyes and Elvis Costello glasses and Converse All-Stars and that sexy just-rolled-outta-bed hair ... ahhh. *Drool*.

How I love those ones. What is it about them? They are so very appealing. It's more than just "geek chic". It's hot. Where do those guys hang out anyway? Used CD stores? Book stores? Thrift stores? The single ones, I mean, of course. Walk into any coffee shop and you'll see them sitting at tables with their equally charming girlfriends. That's no good for me. Although I think I'd fit the image of the girlfriend-of-cute-guy-with-bedhead fairly well these days ... I've got the Doc Martens and the long skirts and the funky hair ... and I'm SMART ... not to mention adorable. I need to figure out where to meet these guys.

For future reference, that is.

Gotta pace myself ...

OK, it's time for me to get to bed so I don't feel like hell getting up early tomorrow ... or at least so I can get through the morning without slaughtering someone.


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Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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