Friday, Dec. 06, 2002 - 2:25 p.m.
I told you I could do it, I'm okay.

Ahem ... guest writers are writing for me at the moment ... so before you sign my guestbook or email me to tell me how rude and horribly offensive I am and sue me for your ninety-seven year old great aunt's heart attack, please check to see who actually wrote the entry. Thanks.
Love, Lara


Heyyyyyyyyy. This isn't ripey, as above disclaimer states, this is Crystal.

This isn't a real entry, it's a pretend one until I do something I need to do for the entry I want to put in here. Mysterious, huh? I'm like that, all mysterious and stuff. BWHAHHAHHAHAHHA!!! FEAR ME!!

Or not, it's okay. I'm not really all that scary. Well, except for that time I was stalking Moonie, but that was only because I went off my meds and my psychiatrist told me not to but I did. See, I needed too, she doesn't know it, but I LOVE HER. We need to be together, just like the most excellent song ever says, "I love you man, we could've been together". That's a direct quote from the best song ever, an Eminem song. Eminem and I are going to be together one day too. Him, me, Moonie, and Lara. We're all going to be together one day and have all this love and eat nothing but watermelons and fried chicken because it's so damn tasty.

Anyway, the point is that my psychiatrist says that I'm okay now, and that if I keep taking my medication they might let me take the helmet off, which is good because I have all those lice things that are under the helmet, and I think a tick or two, and those ticks bury right into your head and live there and hatch babies and the babies eat your brains. I don't want to end up with no brains, my psychiatrist said that is a bad thing, so I'm going to be good and take all these medications and then I get the helmet off and maybe even the straight jacket, too. But the jacket being removed is only a maybe.

Oh, sorry, this was just supposed to be short, because the real entry is coming later tonight, I just didn't want anyone to think that I wasn't okay enough to write in here, because I am. See?

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Comments are temporarily out of order until I can afford to get a SuperGold membership again. Yes, that is also why all the images are broken. I apologize. In the meantime, please use the guestbook for anything you may wish to say. Thanks.

Ripest entries on the vine

Huh. - Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006
Another Diarylander jumps on the LJ bandwagon - Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006
Moving on? - Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005
Because how complicated can elephant hunting be? I mean, they're so BIG and SLOW! - Friday, Oct. 28, 2005
Busted - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

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