Saturday, Apr. 13, 2002 - 8:10 p.m.
Meeting Crystal, and The Hair Fiasco

So, I was going to talk about my meeting Crystal on Thursday, wasn't I?

OK, so I was supposed to meet her at a place called Mel's Montreal Diner, which I'd never been to before. She told me where it was, so I took the subway and got off at what I thought was the right place ... then realized I was several blocks North-East of where I was supposed to be when I looked closely at the subway map. I realized I was going to be late, so I speedwalked my way down Spadina and then Bloor, looking for this place which Crystal had informed me was bright yellow. I guess for some reason I thought I'd be able to spot it a mile away, because I was about to walk right past it when I saw a girl in roller blades talking on a cell phone looking at me ... and then asking if I was Lara. That's when I realized I was right in front of the place. Good thing she spotted me.

So yeah, Crystal was on the phone with Stephen, whom she let me talk to as well .. although I don't think either of us could fully make out what the other was saying because we were in a noisy area. I did rather enjoy his accent though, what I could hear of it. Southern, but charming, not hick. Cool.

There was also some guy talking to Crystal, whom I later found out she'd never met before. I thought he was a friend of hers or something. He wanted us to sit with him, but once we got off the phone with Stephen and strange guy had gone back to the eating area, Crystal whispered to me that she had no idea who the hell he was, that he seemed pretty baked, and that we might be better off going somewhere else. Sounded like a plan.

Crystal wasn't what I expected ... I guess I thought she'd be more of a girly girl (which would not have been a problem, don't get me wrong), perhaps because her diary is pink with a fairy picture on it ... I'm not sure. But she's more of a down-to-earth type. At any rate, I quite liked her. She was really talkative and funny, which was good, because I'm a bit shy when I'm getting to know a person and her outgoingness (er ... is that a word?) got me talking more.

We did a lot of walking around (well, I walked, she bladed). We went through Korea Town, which I've never been through, and she showed me these places that made these things called walnut cakes ... very odd ... dough shaped like walnuts with beans and other things inside them. I'll have to try them one day if I'm ever there again ... just because they were so bizarre.

We talked about some interesting stuff that I'm not sure I'd have an easy time explaining ... but what I remember was explaining to her what I tend to refer to as the "I'm alive" feeling .. this weird feeling I get every once in a while where I just sort of realize, mentally and physically, that I'm a living, breathing, sensory being, and what a strange sensation it is. I call it the "I'm alive" feeling because when I was a little kid and I used to get it, I would always whisper to myself "I'm alive." .. because it felt so weird to realize that. It's kind of the same feeling as you might get when you repeat a word over and over until it starts to sound like a nonsense word, or the feeling you get when you spend a long time pondering the concept of death .. or infinity. But the more I try to explain it here, the weirder I sound, so never mind. The point is that Crystal actually got what I meant. It's nice to be able to talk about something odd like that with someone and not have them look at you like you've suddenly grown a third eye on your forehead, you know?

So yeah, I had a good time. Hopefully we'll hang out again soon. It was also kind of cool to hang out with a girl for a change, just because there's much less worrying involved for me. When I hang out with guys as friends I'm always wondering if I like them or they like me and if I like them what if they don't like me that way and if I don't like them that way what if they DO like me that way and I'm leading them on by hanging out with them and are they going to make a move and and and oh arrgh I can't handle this! Heheh. *ahem* .. sorry. Just demonstrating the way I tend to think in those situations. I don't think that way when I'm hanging out with girls. Much easier.

So anyway, moving onto the present ... I dyed my hair today, and I'm not too tickled with the results. I was hoping to get it to look like this again, but it turned out much darker than that.

The reason I don't like it is that I think it looks too quasi-goth, and I shed the goth look years and years ago. This maroonish hair doesn't go with the clothes I wear, and it's just not me. Heh. Maybe I'll just buy some new clothes and give myself a slightly darker, edgier image ... it might be fun for a bit, until the hair starts to fade and I can go back to a brighter, more fun shade of red like I had before.

Oh well. We shall see. It's only hair, right?

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