Wednesday, Nov. 07, 2001 - 7:33 p.m.
"Dear Resident(s) ..."

It appears that our scanner is not working. This bothers me, because whenever I can't figure some glitch out that's related to our computer (or anything electronic, for that matter), it's pretty much hopeless. Not because I'm an expert on all things computer-related, no no no. Quite the opposite. I'm a big knob when it comes to computer hardware and software. But my mom, god bless her, is far more inept than I am. Despite the fact that she works on a computer all day in her office. All she knows are the programs she uses ... and those are rarely, if ever, the programs I use. So basically, if something isn't working properly with the computer, the stereo, or the DVD player, and I am incapable of correcting the problem, well, then it really is a problem. Because there's no one else living here ... and I don't have any computer-savvy friends who will come over and help me. Hell, I don't have friends who come over, period. Hell, I have no friends. But more on that later. There was a point to me telling you about our non-functional scanner, and I'd like to get to that now.

I wanted to scan this notice we just got from management of our building. Just to show you the "officialness" of it ... you understand, right? Oh well. I'm going to have to type it out instead, since I haven't a clue how to get the scanner running properly again. Here it is:

Dear Resident(s)

Re: Increased Security Measures

Due to recent events in the world and more specifically in the downtown corridor, we have decided that it would be prudent to tighten security around our building.

We ask that every resident make a special effort to carry and use access cards at all points of entry. Please do not rely on concierge staff to provide access to the building, the elevators and the lobbies. Moreover, it is each resident's responsibility to carry the necessary keys, access cards and garage remotes. If for some reason you do not have working remotes or access cards, please contact us at the Administarion Office and make the necessary arrangements to obtain same.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience you may be caused.


"The downtown corridor", it says. What disturbs me is that they don't say what has been going on in this area recently ... just that it's been going on. I mean, there's plenty going on downtown, I just don't know what "events" they're referring to, specifically. I'm assuming it's Anthrax-threat-related ... because these days everything is ... everyone everywhere is just waiting for either Afghan attacks or Anthrax attacks, and it's getting old. Even if there's a real threat, it's still annoying. That day several weeks ago when we had that power failure downtown because of that construction fire, you should've seen the people in my building. A bunch of us were stuck in the lobby waiting for the elevators to start running again, and they were all talking about how the first thing they thought was "Uh oh ... what if this is a terrorist attack?". The first thing. I mean, sure, it might cross one's mind ... but why jump to such extreme conclusions? What, the power dies and all of a sudden it's "God save us, we're being bombed!"? Most amusing was the Dior-clad lady in her fifties or sixties with the coiffed, cotton-candy-esque blonde hair, flashy gold and diamond jewelry, and the huge, round Chanel sunglasses ... I'd seen her before, getting off the elevator carrying a miniature poodle that was probably named Jacques or Montgomery or some other ridiculously formal moniker for a tiny, frou-frou puppy. Anyway, this lady was going on dramatically in her raspy Benson-&-Hedges-out-of-a-gold-plated-cigarette-case voice about exactly where she was standing when it happened, how she thought the terrorists had come, about how she knew God wanted her to go first ... it was quite the little show she put on, really. She was like the sort of character you see drag queens emulating ... it was priceless.

Admittedly, it was freaky that day to see all the traffic lights out, and all these cars just sort of ... stopped, from all sides of all intersections, because it was nearing rush hour ... and drivers just kind of sitting there not knowing what to do because the cops weren't out for emergency traffic direction yet ... I'm amazed it wasn't chaos. Traffic anarchy. Toronto really isn't as badass as people think. I mean, imagine if something like that had happened in New York City ... or far worse ... Los Angeles (New York ... what was I thinking, no one drives in New York). Can you imagine?

I dunno ... maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about.

OK, I actually have more to write about that is completely unrelated to anything I've mentioned in this entry, like those things I mentioned yesterday, for instance. So I'm going to write another entry sometime tonight ... hopefully before midnight, but we'll see.

Right now, it's time for a late dinner ... and possibly a trip to the Eaton's Centre before it closes, since I have a few tedious items to buy.

In the meantime, read someone else's diary ... like, I dunno, maybe Stephen's, because I like him, and his diary is just too cool, and *most importantly* because he said I was a goddess. So yeah. Visit Stephen. Oh, and as long as you're there, tell him he's sexy, since he wants to know. OK?

Back later ... bye for now.

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