Wednesday, Dec. 04, 2002 - 9:43 a.m.
Pain worse than papercuts

Good day!

This is James, writing to the vast RipeTomato audience with a message: Lara has suffered brutal injuries, and is in so much pain, that she cannot even type an entry.

Fear not, my friends, she is alive and well. Well, perhaps not so well..

Right now, she's kinda:

And also, a little:

But mostly, she feels pain from cuts and scrapes all over her hands, knees and face.

Here's the sitch: On Monday night, after spending a wonderful evening together, Lara borrowed my warm jogging pants for her trip home. They were too long for her, so she tried rolling them up, but I'd taken the ties out when I got them so they kept unrolling.
As Lara told me, it was around 12:30 when she exited the subway station (around a 15 minute walk from her home) and decided to run to keep warm in the cold, cold Canadian weather. Unfortunately for my poor sweetie, the city has been doing construction around that area, and the combination of loose gravel and very long pants, she managed to trip and fall onto the pavement/gravel face first.

Imagine the next-to-worst case scenario. Her left hand and face took most of the fall, which left her stunned and bleeding. She at least did not break her nose, or any bones. Some bloke who saw the whole thing didn't manage to be any help despite his puny efforts, and finally Lara struggled from taxi to taxi (some who refused due to the blood on her face) pleading the drivers to take her home.

At last one cab accepted her, and she made her way home, which she found Mom-less. She called me immediately - I didn't realise at first the urgency of the problem, and by the time she told me exactly what happened, Lara's mom showed up, and I told her to go get help from her.

So that's what's been going on. Her mom took her to Emergency the next morning, and she's got polysporin all over her hands and face. Believe me, she's hurting real bad. I think that warrants some loving! Sign the guestbook with your love and large cash donations for more polysporin and snacks.

Love, James

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