Sunday, Oct. 03, 2004 - 3:33 p.m.
No one should have to dread weekends.

Weekends are absolute murder now. I've known for some time now that I need to make some friends in this city, but I didn't realize how badly until now. Holy shit. I wish I was better at that sort of thing.

I miss talking to James. Every time something has happened this week I've wished I could call him up and tell him. Like when Jessica Holmes came in the store, or when I saw the rat in the park swimming. Or yesterday, when I was driving with my mom (did I mention I finally got my G1 licence and am now learning to drive?), and I drove right by a DeLorean. James loves the Back to the Future trilogy and he loves DeLoreans. He even has a vanity licence plate with a Back to the Future reference on it, and I got him a model Back to the Future DeLorean for Christmas last year. So the first thing I thought as I drove past it was "Aww, man .. I can't even tell James about it!". I mean, really. How often do you see a DeLorean? I've never seen one in real life before this, and then I have to go and see one now, of all times. That's hardly fair. I'll probably get to tell him about it at some point, but still. I'm getting tired of playing this "who's gonna call who first" game with myself anyway. He told me I could call him or e-mail him anytime. Maybe I'll just call him and end this horrible uncertainty. It has been a week. Of course, it feels like a month. I don't know. It would be nice to talk to him, I just don't want to cross any boundaries. Everything is so weird now.

I went to that park again on Friday, and I found some more scenic parts to it. I spent a long time there. I think maybe I'll start going there regularly and packing a lunch or something. It'll only be so long before it's too cold to do that sort of thing, after all.

Anyway, when I was there at the creek (yes, I've since discovered that it is actually a creek and not just a stream), I saw another rat swimming. This was different though, because unlike the other one who was swimming to get away from something and zipped by quickly under the surface, this one was just having a leisurely swim. He was paddling about with his head above the water. It was so incredibly cute. I miss my rats. Of course, I never saw them swim.

I saw so many people there walking through the woods with their dogs. Some of the dogs weren't even on leashes, they just followed their masters around faithfully. I want a dog like that.

I have far too many days off this week. I'm going to have to figure out how to spend them. I guess I'll go shopping one day, since I need clothes so badly. Nothing too expensive though, with this whole weight loss thing going on. Also, I want to get a hair cut and colour. I'm thinking a nice bright coppery red colour might help me start feeling more fiery again. I can go to the park another day this week and bring a lunch and get some exercise. The only thing I don't like about going there is that the only way there is an unpleasant one. I have to walk by busy roads and heavy traffic and plazas and fast food restaurants and all that crap. So that means that after I've spent a relaxing yet invigorating day in the great outdoors, I half-ruin my mood by having to walk home through all of that hussly-bussly crap. If only I could drive there and back. Oh well. One of these days I'll be able to.

Anyway, I'm off to eat or something.

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